[Menai-LUG] Scientific research
2011-02-09 16:42:47 UTC
Dear Madame/Sir,
I kindly invite you to?fill in the survey on?the key features of voluntary work
in Lithuania and United Kingdom. The data will be used for the purposes of
scientific research. It may be useful for drafting strategies on solving the
problems in the field of voluntary work: attracting and motivating volunteers,
organization and planning, and increasing effectiveness of non-governmental

By following this link you will find survey for United Kingdom residents:

?Thank you for your time!

Best regards,

Juste Januskeviciene

Don't get soaked. Take aquick peak at the forecast
with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.

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2011-02-09 16:42:48 UTC
Dear Madame/Sir,
I kindly invite you to?fill in the survey on?the key features of voluntary work
in Lithuania and United Kingdom. The data will be used for the purposes of
scientific research. It may be useful for drafting strategies on solving the
problems in the field of voluntary work: attracting and motivating volunteers,
organization and planning, and increasing effectiveness of non-governmental

By following this link you will find survey for United Kingdom residents:

?Thank you for your time!

Best regards,

Juste Januskeviciene

Don't get soaked. Take aquick peak at the forecast
with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.

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