[Menai-LUG] hackspace
Richard Smedley
2009-04-02 15:13:55 UTC
Could put one in Bangor? Tangentially related to
local Social Enterprise idea?


Hackspace - a place for hacking. Playful invention with hardware, from
Arduino to 3D printers. As one of the hackspaces puts it: "We're looking
to create a hackerspace where anyone interested in technology, or
digital or electronic art can meet, socialise and collaborate."

There are hackspaces all over the world [1], and now the UK. A new group
[2] is trying to set up hackspaces in London [3] & Birmingham [4].

Why not the North West you ask? Well, I asked anyway ;) - so now we have
a NW group - come and join the mailing list [5].

Members of Liverpool LUG have expressed an interest, and want to tie it
in with planned workshops & the local arduino community. In Manchester
the local coworking group are interested in sharing the space. In
Stockport we're looking at a storey of a nice mill building [6], and
hoping to find a community of people to join in. In Bangor there's a
social enterprise start-up that would integrate very well with the

If you're in N Wales or NW England, and interested in creative, fun (or
profitable) things to do with computers, or would like to link such
things with social action, perhaps, join the list. These things will
only work with *people* - I'm committing a little time to help get these
off the ground, but it'll only work if we all muck in.

If you just want to follow what's happening follow us on Twitter [7],
sign up & lurk on the Google Group, or wait until we set up an
[announce] mailing list.

[1] http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Hacker_Spaces
[2] http://www.hackspace.org.uk
[3] http://london.hackspace.org.uk/
[4] http://groups.google.com/group/birmingham-hack-space
[5] http://groups.google.com/group/NW-hack-space
[6] http://twitter.com/broadstonemill
[7] http://twitter.com/hsNW

Please feel free to copy & re-post this e-mail, Tweet it,
Dig/Reddit/social bookmark it/link to it at
http://www.goodgnus.org/2009/04/more-hackspace/ - or just talk about it
to anyone who might be interested in joining in the hackspace fun :-)


- Richard
